Sanitary Measures for Coronavirus
Here are the measures we will apply to fight against Coronavirus. They come directly from the recommendations of the French Surf Federation.
Public reception
- Encourage remote booking
- Prepare equipment for the course (board, jumpsuit, lycra)
- Each lesson is 15 or 30 min apart to avoid crossing paths on the terrace
- Differentiated circuit by signaling (entrance, waiting, reception, exit)
- Signaling of safety distances between trainees (combi fitting areas marked on the ground)
- Reception staff l masked, protected (plexiglass), disinfected (hydro gel)
- Twice-daily disinfection of comptoir
- Establishment of staff areas
- Limitation of accompanying persons only to 1 parent of a minor child
After each use , use a cleansing and disinfecting bath suitable for:
- jumpsuits and lycras
- boards, leashs and fins
- manipulation of suits only by Staff
- swim brief or personal swimsuit compulsory under the suit
- give preference to personal wetsuits rather than lended ones when possible
Surf Class
- Distance compulsory between trainees (2m) during the whole course
- Distance between the supervisor and the trainee except in an emergency
- Explanations brief, ideally in water
- The instructor does the demonstrations with his own equipment
- Groups limited to 8 students; if possible, give preference to “family” or “group of friends” groups